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Department of Anaesthesia & SICU NICVD, Karachi
Phone: Office Assistant
+92 333 3437403

Welcome to PACTA

Our Objective

” To encourage and advocate research, education, innovation, and scientific progress in the field of cardiothoracic anaesthesia, assist the professional growth and wellbeing of its members, and establish collaboration with other societies both within and outside Pakistan. “

  • The association will run on a charitable basis for the welfare of members.
  • To associate and affiliate into one organization all the anaesthesiologists who are currently practicing cardiothoracic anaesthesia or are actively associated with cardiothoracic anaesthesia or are otherwise interested in cardiothoracic anaesthesia in particular.
  • To provide continuing education in basic and clinical sciences to support informed clinical decision making and scientific progress in cardiothoracic anaesthesia.
  • To facilitate nationwide cooperation and communication among Anaesthesiologists interested in research in the field of cardiothoracic anaesthesia.
  • To maintain the highest standards in the ethics and practice of cardiothoracic anaesthesia
  • To encourage research, education, and scientific progress in the field of cardiothoracic anaesthesia
  • To establish cardiothoracic intensive care in Pakistan and to promote research and education in this field.
  • To help/assist its member whenever required in the interest of their wellbeing.
  • To establish contacts and collaboration with similar anaesthesia associations in the country
  • The association will be run on a non-political, non-commercial, and non-religious basis and provide financial assistance to the needy persons.
  • To adopt collective measures to ensure that its members are saved from exploitation.
  • To affiliate with international bodies for the promotion of mutual exchange of knowledge amongst the members and professional colleges all over the world

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